Title: “Promotion of responsible Soya amongst small holders and linkage with certified Soya value chain in selected soya growing blocks of Madhya Pradesh, India ”
Objective: Popularization of responsible Soya production practices amongst the smallholders for meeting the increasing soybean needs of present generation without endangering the natural resource base.
Implementation: This project is being implemented by Madhyabharat Consortium in year 2023-24 with 2500 small & marginal farmers at 10 Blocks of 4 Districts namely Raisen, Sagar, Damoh and Chhatarpur (Rainfed area comes under Bundelkahnd region) with financial support from Samunnati Foundation Bangalore
About Project:
This project is conceptualized and designed to address the issues of poor productivity of Soya crop & soil both, sustainable & efficient use of available natural resources , restoration of soil fertility, better market linkage and better price to Soya growers, decreasing the cost of cultivation, increasing the net returns from Soya cultivation, judicious use of agricultural inputs, less use of hazardous pesticides, creating awareness on safe use of chemical & pesticides, creating the awareness on social issues like child labor and equal wages to man & women, mitigation of vulnerability of Soya labour especially on health aspects, promotion of sustainable & eco-friendly agricultural practices through creation of this multi-stake farmer’s support systems.