Madhya Bharat Consortium of Farmer Producers Company Limited

S. No. Name of Director About Director
1 Mr. Vikram Singh Parihar Samarth Kisan Producer Company Private Limited. Ex Chairman of Samarth KISAN company, Agri-entrepreneur & having more than 21 years of experience in agriculture and business development. He is one of the founder director of the company.
2 Mr. Mahesh Sharma Hardol Agriculturemarketing And Producer Company Pvt Ltd. Agri-entrepreneur With 20 years of experience in Agri business, he currently holds the position of Director in an agriculture marketing and production company. Additionally, He is one of the founder member of the company.
3 Mr. Punnu Lal Nanda Director in Mandla Tribal farmer producer company Limited District Mandla. also served as a chairman of MTFPCL Mandla. a great agri- entrepreneur With 20 years of experience in Agri business development, he joined the MBCFPCL in 2019.
4 Mr. Damodar Prasad Gour Director in Narmadanchal farmer producer company LImited. With two decades of experience in agri business development, he holds the position of Director in MBCFPCL.
5 Mr. Mahesh Patel Director in Khargoan Producer Company Limited. After devoting 20 years to the field of developing agri businesses, he is working in MBCFPCL since beginning.
6 Mr. Mukesh Patel Ex Director of Krashak Agro Industries Producer Company Limited. Progressive farmer, Agri-entrepreneur and having >15 years of experience in agriculture and agri business development.
7 Mrs. Tulsa Prajapati Chairman in Damoh Mahila Kisan Producer Company Limited. she came from schedule cast family, a excellent woman agri entrepreneur & SHG Leader. She brings with her 10 years of valuable experience in Agri business development joined Madhya Bharat in early 2021.