Our CEO Mr. Yogesh Dwivedi have participated in India Rural Colloquy 2023 organized by Transform Rural India (TRI) In partnership with Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance & Policy Analysis(AIGGPA) Bhopal. I have participated in discussion on Climate Adaptive Rural Prosperity: High Income Livelihood Models as a Keynote Speakers along with other eminent speakers mainly Dr Dilip Kumar (APCC), Dr V.P Singh ( Scientist IMD) and Dr Suprava Patnaik, Principal Advisor, NRM (AIGGPA). In the discussion its agreed that marketing is still a main constraint in growth of community/ farmers led business institution namely SHGs and #FPOs. Lack of proper marketing institutional arrangement equipped with skilled professionals supported by necessary infrastructure, business enabling environment, an inclusive policy framework are still missing to compete with big market players. Present Agro-chemical /fertilizers based agriculture development model is not a sustainable model and #farmers need to be given a better and remunerative option where good #agriculture and environmental practices are incentivized.
Thanks to TRI MP Team specially Ms Neha Gupta, State Lead, and my bothers Mr Sachin Sakalle and Sandeep Saxena for inviting me in the programme